August 22
Life Lesson 495
Do not wait to finish itenerary until last minute. I had a cheap ticket to France for 80 dollars. Thought to much and forgot to book. Realized last minute that I had not booked ticket. Went to buy...400 dollars now on Ryanqair and time slot needed was sold out to make train connection. yikes... whats a girl to do...instead now take train to Paris 200 dollars and TGV train Paris to Bayonne 100 dollars. 12 hours with layovers. life lesson cost me 220 dollars and extra 6 hrs of travel and one reservation for first night because last train 6pm and I arrive 8pm.
I got up at 5 am to fly Toronto to London. I lucked out and because a family wanted to sit together I got a window seat with no seat in front of me. Found out no 5pm flight to London so had 4 hr layover in Toronto. Toronto to London long...economy class sucks.
August 23rd
London landing delay and customs caused me to miss Eurostar 10 am train to Paris. Underground took over and hour to Waterloo station. Twice as long as I thought: NOTE Eurostar, if you can not call ahead, they will not credit ticket to next time slot. The girl behind counter felt bad that I was near tears. She let me change to 1040 ticket. Thank you. Once in Paris navigated from Gare du Nord to Gare Montparnasse to catch TGV to Bayonne. I am glad I figured this out before I left because that information is not easily known from signs. My 10 words in French escaped me because I was so tired and I know I pissed off the ticket people in the subway and train station to buy tickets. Train ride from Paris to Bayonne beautiful but too tired to really appreciate. I was qfraid to fall asleep and miss my stop. Once in Bayonne the hotel I was recommended to get a room from was completo...Means no vacancy in English...now what to do: I asked the hotel where to go and she said good luck everything is full. two more hotels turned me down and I started to get upset. A guy in a car passing by asked me in French what was wrong. I realized I needed to get a grip. Saw two homeless guys sleeping in a doorway and ironically realized just like home and to keep trying. Viola, the next place the guy behind the counter at Hotel San Miguel felt sorry for me and in his little English give me his last room for 48 euro (60 dollars) included shower and toilet in room instead of hallway. Merci Beaucoup to him. I ordered some food across the street in pointing qnd gesters and waiter pointed back. had a wonderful dinner and lots of wine to help me sleep. I woke up to thunderstorm.
August 24th
Guess what I feel much better. Can not cross Pyrennes today because of bad weather. I overslept and am now taking later train to St. Jean Pied de Port. It is for the best. My reservation for tonight was accepted checking my email. My little French came back to me with some sleep. I was able to order a train ticket in French and even the girl behind counter said bien and smiled. I have regained my faith. Au revoir until St. Jean Pied de Port.
Will try to figure out how to doznload pictures tomorrow.
August 22
Life Lesson 495
Do not wait to finish itenerary until last minute. I had a cheap ticket to France for 80 dollars. Thought to much and forgot to book. Realized last minute that I had not booked ticket. Went to buy...400 dollars now on Ryanqair and time slot needed was sold out to make train connection. yikes... whats a girl to do...instead now take train to Paris 200 dollars and TGV train Paris to Bayonne 100 dollars. 12 hours with layovers. life lesson cost me 220 dollars and extra 6 hrs of travel and one reservation for first night because last train 6pm and I arrive 8pm.
I got up at 5 am to fly Toronto to London. I lucked out and because a family wanted to sit together I got a window seat with no seat in front of me. Found out no 5pm flight to London so had 4 hr layover in Toronto. Toronto to London long...economy class sucks.
August 23rd
London landing delay and customs caused me to miss Eurostar 10 am train to Paris. Underground took over and hour to Waterloo station. Twice as long as I thought: NOTE Eurostar, if you can not call ahead, they will not credit ticket to next time slot. The girl behind counter felt bad that I was near tears. She let me change to 1040 ticket. Thank you. Once in Paris navigated from Gare du Nord to Gare Montparnasse to catch TGV to Bayonne. I am glad I figured this out before I left because that information is not easily known from signs. My 10 words in French escaped me because I was so tired and I know I pissed off the ticket people in the subway and train station to buy tickets. Train ride from Paris to Bayonne beautiful but too tired to really appreciate. I was qfraid to fall asleep and miss my stop. Once in Bayonne the hotel I was recommended to get a room from was completo...Means no vacancy in English...now what to do: I asked the hotel where to go and she said good luck everything is full. two more hotels turned me down and I started to get upset. A guy in a car passing by asked me in French what was wrong. I realized I needed to get a grip. Saw two homeless guys sleeping in a doorway and ironically realized just like home and to keep trying. Viola, the next place the guy behind the counter at Hotel San Miguel felt sorry for me and in his little English give me his last room for 48 euro (60 dollars) included shower and toilet in room instead of hallway. Merci Beaucoup to him. I ordered some food across the street in pointing qnd gesters and waiter pointed back. had a wonderful dinner and lots of wine to help me sleep. I woke up to thunderstorm.
August 24th
Guess what I feel much better. Can not cross Pyrennes today because of bad weather. I overslept and am now taking later train to St. Jean Pied de Port. It is for the best. My reservation for tonight was accepted checking my email. My little French came back to me with some sleep. I was able to order a train ticket in French and even the girl behind counter said bien and smiled. I have regained my faith. Au revoir until St. Jean Pied de Port.
Will try to figure out how to doznload pictures tomorrow.
Oh my gosh it sounds like you have already had such a rough time and you just left! How exiting! We all miss you and hope you're having a great time despite all the travel delays!
Hope all the travel problems happened up front so the rest of the trip is great!-Yvonne
Do your feet hurt yet?
:) -Greg
Have you enjoyed any of the pastries yet?-Anna
Relax and Enjoy!-Ivan
Are you enjoying your trip?-Makda
Have fun! Be SAFE!-Wei-ching
You've already missed 2 birthday cakes! One chocolate, one carrot!
Jeff says hi!
Think how great putting one foot in front of the other and just walking will be after all that. Relax and have fun everything is going fine here.
Sorry about the rough time to start, but you got there and Spain is coming up soon!
Remember when we traveled and we had things come up like not being able to get off that Island and able to get a flight out, but you will work it out. So have fun and enjoy this time!
The Good Moments and Minutes are what you will remember and the rest will be a good laugh.
All is well in Cloudy Seattle and your dogs miss you!
Take care
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